Als neu ernannter CEO von EY Schweiz hat sich Marcel Stalder eine ambitionierte Aufgabe vorgenommen: Er will das traditionsreiche Prüfunternehmen komplett auf digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Arbeitsweisen umstellen. Dafür plant er, die Geschäftsleitung radikal zu verjüngen und mit Tech-affinen “Dynamikern” zu besetzen, anstelle der typischen Buchhalter-Typen. Stalders Vision ist es, die Bedürfnisse der digitalen Kunden von …


Those old slot machines were a jol, hey? But imagine those classic casino thrills with even BIGGER wins! That’s exactly the vibe YesPlay brings with its online version of Diamond Strike. YesPlay drops the casino buzz right in your hands. They’ve got a massive choice of slots, so you’re sure to find something that suits …


Though computers and other significant technological innovations became commercially common in the 1990s, a lot has changed since then. Convenience and superior computing power have brought us to the greatest technological age in history. One of the simplest, yet most effective pieces of technology is the memory stick. There is a lot of ground to …


In the dynamic landscape of business, networking remains a cornerstone for success. Building and nurturing a strong network opens doors to opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights. In this article, we’ll explore actionable tips to help you become a master at effective business networking. Clarify Your Networking Goals: Before diving into networking events or platforms, define …


The Privacy of Bitcoin Transactions (Problems and Solutions) Bitcoin is the most powerful and well-known cryptocurrency in the world up to this day. Most crypto users deal with BTC even if their preferred digital currency is different. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are known to be secure and anonymous, which attracts many users worldwide. However, despite …


Is Friendship Day coming soon? For this occasion we have formed an assortment of plants that signify friendship and will uplift the spirits of your companion. This is a true fact that mankind endowed flowers with a certain symbolism from the times of Ancient Greece, predominantly associated with the mythological heroes and their treats of …


In the dynamic landscape of the retail industry, businesses are facing a paradigm shift driven by changing consumer preferences. To remain relevant and thrive in the future, retailers must adapt and align their strategies with the evolving needs and expectations of their customer base. This article explores key aspects of the future of retail and …


Choosing the perfect bag is not just a practical necessity but also a style statement. Whether you are shopping for a backpack, or messenger bag, the right choice can improve your daily life and complete your outfit. However, you must consider your specific needs and preferences to make an informed decision. Aesthetics play a significant …


“71% of marketers report that content marketing has become more important to their organization in the last year.” (Content Marketing Institute). E-commerce has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade, with many entrepreneurs leveraging the digital space to launch, run, and expand their businesses. As competition grows, however, standing out becomes increasingly challenging. One underutilized …


In today’s digital age, the internet can unexpectedly turn anyone into an online sensation through the power of memes. These viral images have the ability to completely change your online presence overnight. If you’ve found yourself becoming the face of a meme, this guide is here to help you manage the whirlwind of unexpected online …